Abstract :
The background of the study sees that the Malang Regency Government as a facilitator and manager so that this is one of the assets for the area that needs to be preserved and developed in the future. Malang Regency is one of the regencies with excellent tourism potential, the various types of tourism in Malang Regency make Malang one of the regencies of interest for tourists. The development of tourism in Malang is very rapid which can be seen from the many new tourism places.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the extent of the role of the agency in managing tourism in Malang district, as well as what are the inhibiting and supporting factors in governance and promotion of tourism areas. Malang regency tourism office and add insight for readers. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach, namely to find out to describe the reality of the events being studied or research conducted on independent variables or a variable, that is without making comparisons or connecting with other variables. in the tourism office of Malang regency.
The results of the research conducted at the tourism and culture office of Malang Regency, seen from its own role, it is quite maximal both in promotion and management where promotion has been used through online media while the management itself has involved the community as supporters in developing existing tourism. The obstacles themselves are still not the maximum impact of tourism for the community as well as obstacles in transportation routes that become difficulties in tourism development and also tourist visits. The community also has not become a partner in the development and control of tourism progress in Malang district.