Abstract :
The problem regarding people with disabilities is a very complex matter, the presence of the disability itself and the limitations caused by imperfect organs or body parts have caused numerous problems. These imperfections limit people with disabilities in carrying out their daily lives. Developing independence is one of the ways that can be done to help people with disabilities so that they don?t become too dependent on their surrounding environment, training and empowerment programs have also proved to be very useful in order to help people with visual impairments, so that within the limitations possessed by the community, they will still remain productive and able to meet their own needs. Thus, self-confidence among the blind community would increase and so would a sense of responsibility in order to fulfill their needs, through hard work and their own efforts.
The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze policies made by UPT Bina Netra Malang based on how helpful they are in developing self independence amongst the blind community there. And to also describe supporting and inhibiting factors experienced by UPT Bina Netra Malang in developing independence for people with visual impairments.
The research method the writer uses in writing this thesis is the qualitative method using a more descriptive approach. By using the Miles and Huberman analysis method, there are three (3) stages that are passed and occur continuously in analyzing data, these stages are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification. This research took place in the technical implementing unit of Malang?s social rehabilitation center for people with visual impairments that are working under East Java?s social service. Informants used to obtain information were the staff, employees, and clients with visual disabilities from UPT RSBN Malang.
Based on the results that has been done by research through interviews, observations, and documentation regarding the Policy Efforts in Developing Independence for the Blind Community in UPT Bina Netra Technical Unit of Social Rehabilitation in Malang, the writer obtains an overview of how the independence policies created for the visually impaired are also implemented as the government paying attention to the rights of people with disabilities. The activities created as part of the developing independence program are divided into three categories, the first through physical and mental guidance. This guidance program is aimed so that the people with disabilities, specifically the blind community are devoted to religious values and are willing and able to restore self-esteem, self-confidence, and emotional stability in order to shape what is considered as a matured person. The second is through a social skills guidance aimed to form good social attitude in accordance with the ethics and customary values that exist in our society. And thirdly, the business or work skills guidance programs that are aimed so that clients with visual impairments have the skills to make or do something that are able to be used as a job or to ensure their future in accordance with their abilities and environmental conditions. With a number of programed activities carried out by UPT RSBN Malang, it is hoped that a person with disability will be able to work and survive in order to fulfill their everyday needs.