Analisis pengaruh efisiensi, FDR dan CAR terhadap risiko bank (studi pada Bank Syariah di Indonesia Periode 2018-2022)
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Universitas Merdeka Malang
Yuliati, Heti
HG Finance 
2023-12-07 04:11:41 
Abstract :
Islamic banks are financial institutions whose practices adhere to the basics of Islamic law. The performance of Islamic banks can be assessed using the NPF. Faktor that affect NPF basically come from internal such as BOPO, FDR and CAR. This study aims to analyze the influence of Non Performing Financing (NPF) from Islamic banks with Operating Expenses to Operating Income (BOPO), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR). This study uses a type of quantitative data research. The data used in thi research is secondary data based on the time distribution method. In this study using multipe regression data analysis. The classic assumption tests used in this study are normality, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, and autocorrelation. The result showed that BOPO, FDR, and CAR together had an influence on NPF and were able to explain the dependent variable by 42.5% and the remaining 57.5% were influenced by other independent variables which were not included in this study. BOPO and CAR partially have no effect on NPF with a probability value highe than 0.05 while the independent variable that has a partial effect on NPF is FDR. 
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Universitas Merdeka Malang