Pengelolaan program Bantuan Pangan Non Tunai (BPNT) (Studi Kasus Pengelolaan BPNT Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Sosial Republik Indonesia No. 11 Tahun 2018 Tentang Penyaluran Bantuan Pangan Non Tunai di Kelurahan Bandungrejosari Kecamatan Sukun Kot
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Universitas Merdeka Malang
Yopi, La
HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare 
2024-01-29 04:00:25 
Abstract :
This thesis was prepared by La Yopi, 16031000030. Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Merdeka University Malang. This thesis discusses "THE MANAGEMENT OF NON-CASH FOOD ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS (BPNT) CASE STUDY OF BPNT MANAGEMENT BASED ON DECREE OF THE MINISTRY OF SOCIALITY OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA NO. 11 OF 2018 CONCERNING DISTRIBUTION OF NON CASH FOOD ASSISTANCE IN BANDUNG REJOSARI VILLAGE, SUKUN SUB-DISTRICT, MALANG CITY. " under the guidance of Mr. Dr.H. Sukardi, M.Si as supervisor I and Mr. Drs.H. Bambang Noorsetya, M.Si as supervisor II. Poverty in Indonesia is a national poverty that is felt by all people in Indonesia, including in Malang, where most people experience an inability to fulfill basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, education and health. Then coupled with the difficulty of accessing employment opportunities that resulted in an increase in the number of unemployed which allowed the crime rate to occur. So it needs attention from the government So that the Decree of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia No. 11 of 2018 concerning Distribution of Non-Cash Food Aid which aims to reduce poverty levels. Of course, support from the local government, including the City Government of Malang, is needed to take steps to empower the poor through social assistance. This study aims to determine the Management of the Non-Cash Food Aid Program (Bpnt). Case Study of Bpnt Management Based on the Decree of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia No. 11 of 2018 concerning Distribution of Non-Cash Food Assistance in Bandungrejosari Urban Village. This research is expected to be useful to increase the knowledge and insight of the author and the community about the Management of BPNT in the Bandungrejosari Village, Sukun District, Malang City. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach, with secondary data collection techniques, observation, interviews, and documentation. This research was conducted in Bandungrejosari Village, Sukun District, Malang City. The informants in this study were Bandungrejosari Urban Village Employees, BPNT Social Welfare Center, e-warong administrators and Bandungrejosari Urban Village residents who experienced the benefits of BPNT social assistance directly. As for the results of this study, the management of BPNT Bandungrejosari Village is still not evenly distributed because there are still many poor people who are less able to not get BPNT social assistance from the total number of poor people. Then the facility in the form of the establishment of an e-warong consisting of only one and one of the existing e-warongs in the village is not activated so that it experiences a slowdown at the time of disbursement each month, while another thing that has not been maximally done is coordination between the parties involved in the distribution of the BPNT. alone. 

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Universitas Merdeka Malang