Pelaksanaan sertifikasi kompetensi pelaku usaha Mikro di bidang usaha katering
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Universitas Merdeka Malang
Dedirman, Marselinus Goby
2020-09-28 06:09:25 
Abstract :
Professional Certification Institution, abbreviated as LSP, is one of the Professional Certification Institutions that already has a license and is an extension of BNSP (National Professional Certification Agency) in conducting competency testing and certification. The existence of this institution is independent and independent. In line with that, the existence of LSPs that become government and private partners in the field of certification needs to be developed, so that certification is a basic requirement for every workforce and becomes a standard measure of government and private institutions in the use of labor. Based on the author's initial observations, there are several issues regarding the implementation of competency certification for Micro entrepreneurs in the field of Catering Business in Professional Certification Institutions, such as: limited number of supporting staff or staff, networks such as TUK (Competency Test Place) are still very limited, in partnership with TUK (Competency Test Place) has not been supported by professional ASESOR, does not have its own website, support from the Chancellor (Leadership) of the institution is not optimal and there are still Micro Entrepreneurs in the Catering Business Sector who have participated in competency certification in LSP-MWPM in 2016 who are already competent but has not yet received competency certification. Indirectly, the problem will hamper the process of implementing competency certification for catering entrepreneurs in Malang City as well as public trust in LSP-MWPM. The purpose of this research is to find out how the process of implementing competency certification for micro businesses in the catering business as well as the driving and inhibiting factors that influence the process of implementing competency certification for micro businesses in the catering business and its benefits are as contributions and references for readers in the context of developing public policy knowledge, especially in the field of policy implementation as well as input for organizing competency certification agencies for micro businesses in the catering business. In this study, researchers used a descriptive qualitative method that is a research method that made observations between variables with data collection techniques through interviews, observations and documentation as well as juxtaposed using the George Edward III implementation model (Communication, Resources, Disposition and Bureaucratic Structure) carried out at the Independent Entrepreneur Management and Productivity Professional Certification Institute. The results of this study that the Independent Professional Entrepreneur Management and Productivity Management Institute through the Decree of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia Number: KEP.318 / MEN / IX / 2007 Concerning the Determination of Indonesian National Work Competency Standards in the Food and Beverage Sectors of Restaurants, Bars And Catering Services in the Food Service Industry have been carried out through procedures such as: coming to the LSP, pre-assessment, assessment process, assessment decision, feedback on the assessment and assessment report have been implemented well but there are still some obstacles or problems such as: Assessment Process, matters This is caused by several inhibiting factors so that it has not run optimally, namely entrepreneurs do not want to waste time wasted, many catering entrepreneurs do not understand, on average catering entrepreneurs do not want to learn, just give up and in terms of marketing strategies are very weak, online-based communication is also weak, minimal knowledge, on average experience GAPTEK (technology stuttering), have not been able to manage business finance and family finances, participants are less consistent at the time of registration and Feedback Assessment, there are still some catering entrepreneurs who have not yet received a competency certificate, as well as on the other hand namely staff limited number of supporters or staff, networks such as TUK (Competency Test Points) are still very limited, in partnership with TUK (Competency Test Sites) not yet supported by professional ASESOR, support from institutional leaders such as Chancellors are not optimal and LSP-MWPM does not have a website alone. 
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Universitas Merdeka Malang