Abstract :
This research was conducted by Maria Fransiska Silo with the lecturer of
one Wahyu Wiyani and two advisers of Eko Agus Susilo with the title of thesis
being "influence of Internal factors and external factors of the company to the
value of registered company In IDX in 2014-2018?.
Capital market advances are one of the indicators of measuring the
economic progress of a country. There are many factors that affect the price
movement of stocks, where stock prices are determined by demand and bidding
against the price of the stock. The value of the company's low share of stable
stock price, which in the long run increased, the higher
This research aims to know and analyze the influence of simultaneous,
partial and dominant internal factors and external factors of the company to the
value of the company that can be seen from the stock price of the capital. As for
the benefits of this study, it can be used in addition to literature, the reference for
future researchers who are interested in the same topic. For the company the share
price then the higher the value of the company. The goal to be achieved by the
company's managers is to increase the value of the company through the
implementation of financial decisions, i.e. dividend policies, investment decisions,
funding decisions. Other factors influencing the value of the company are also
factors originating from outside the company such as inflation and interest rates.,
this research is expected to provide benefits as a material consideration in value
creation strategy for shareholders and for investors is expected to provide benefits
as a matter of consideration in order to submit investment.
The method of analysis on this research using associative research
associated with its analytical tools is multiple linear regression. Double regression
analysis test is used to see the simultaneous, partial and dominant influences of
internal factors i.e. dividend policies, investment decisions, funding decisions and
external factors i.e. inflation and interest rates on corporate values. The samples in
this study were 15 manufacturing companies of the industrial sector of consumer
goods listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange which have published its financial
statements from 2014-2018.
The results of this study have indicated that the dividend policy variable
with significance 0,001 <0,05 Value of the company, funding decisions with
significance values of the 0,001<0,05 Value of the company, while the investment
decisions with significance values of 0,355>0,05 is not significant to the
company's value, inflation with significance value of 0,267>0,05 Not significant
to the value of the company, Sukubunga with significance value of 0,533>0,05
and insignificant to the company's value. This indicates that the policy Dividendan
funding decisions have significant effect on the company's value, while
investment decisions, inflation and interest rates have no significant effect on the
company's value.
The conclusion of the above results shows that investors are more interested
in dividends distributed by the company. Because dividends distributed in large
quantities is the reason investors give capital to the company as well as funding
through the debt that is used to finance the operational activities of the company
to generate a large profit in accordance With the expectation of investors to be the
reason investors to give capital to the company.