Abstract :
This study aims to describe and analyze several factors of behavior beliefs
that influence the use of ICT and the subsequent influence on satisfaction and
performance of users of SIKD applications in government organizations in South
Kalimantan Province. Conceptualized using a research model based on the
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) theory that is widely known among
researchers based on behavior-based information systems. A total of 234 user
responses to government organizations in South Kalimantan Province were
The statistical description shows the user feels that: the application is easy
to use; use of improving workability; there is support for organizational resources,
technical, and user capabilities; and positive work environment responses. The
level of ICT utilization has integrated into work routines, users are satisfied with
the information and performance of the system, and users agree that the use of
ICT contributes to performance.
Hypothesis testing results show perceived usefulness, subjective norms, and
facilitating conditions have a positive effect on ICT utilization. Perceived ease of
use do not have a positive effect on ICT utilization, but perceived ease of use are
determinants of perceived usefulness. ICT utilization has a positive effect on user
satisfaction and user performance, and user satisfaction has a positive effect on
user performance. The conceptual framework tested in this study was able to show
that under conditions of ICT mandatory use by organizations, behavior beliefs
positively influences ICT utilization, user satisfaction, and user performance.