Abstract :
Hypercholesterolemia is a major risk factor for the development of atherosclerosis. To
be able to lower total cholesterol levels, anti hypercholesterolemia is needed. One of
the plants that can lower cholesterol levels in the blood is buffalo rubber leaves (Ficus
elastica Roxb. Ex Hornem) because they contain flavonoids and steroids. The purpose
of this study was to determine the activity and use of buffalo rubber leaf extract dosages
which are effective as anti hypercholesterolemia, using a Factorial Factor Random
Block Design. This is the dose of P1(100mg / KgBB); P2 (200mg / KgBB); P3 (300
mg / KgBB) negative control (K-) and positive control (K +) with 5 repetitions. The
results showed that giving buffalo rubber leaf extract could reduce total cholesterol
levels, so that it has anti hypercholesterolemic activity in male white rats. The optimum
interaction between dosage and length of time for giving buffalo rubber leaf extract as
anti hypercholesterolemia is a dosage of 300mg / KgBW with a duration of 15 days.
Keywords: Hypercholesterolemia, Buffalo Rubber, Male White Rats