(TA) Visual Design of Verbal Bullying Termination Campaign on Junior High School and Senior High Students
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Universitas Pembangunan Jaya Tangerang
Dinia, Rusda Abdullah
NC Drawing Design Illustration 
2021-03-03 03:13:34 
Abstract :
Not many people know if abuse or better known as verbal "bullying" is the oppression carried out with certain words, statements or nicknames that have a more powerful effect than bullying carried out by physical violence. In this study, the subjects were teenagers. This is based on the problems that many adolescents experience due to their social relationships in school, one of which is verbal bullying. The impact caused by verbal bullying behavior is depression because of experiencing ridicule, lack of interest in doing school assignments given by the teacher, and decreased interest in participating in school activities. While the longterm consequences of this oppression such as having difficulty in establishing good relations with the opposite sex, always having anxiety will get unpleasant treatment from their peers. This Final Project is titled Visual Design of Verbal Bullying Termination Campaign on Junior High School and Senior High School Students. This research is expected to intensify supervision and sanctions appropriately to the perpetrators, as well as conduct campaigns that can attract attention, persuade the public. Incorporating verbal bullying material into campaign media that will have a positive impact on development in adolescents. 
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Universitas Pembangunan Jaya Tangerang