Proses Analisa dan Perancangan Strategi untuk Meningkatkan Traffic dengan Metode Search Engine Optimization (SEO) pada Website Hitokotech
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Universitas Pembangunan Jaya Tangerang
Abigail, Ananta
T Technology (General) 
2022-07-13 03:26:42 
Abstract :
At this time the use of information technology has been widely used by many business lines to increase effectiveness and efficiency in reaching new potential customers. One of them is by creating a website as a forum for potential customers to meet with the business itself. However, to attract potential customers or can be called traffic to the website is not that easy. It is necessary to do various marketing efforts ranging from organic and non-organic to increase traffic that affects the visibility of the entire website. In this study, an analysis process and strategic planning will be carried out to increase traffic organically to a website called Hitoko. The website that will be researched is currently less than 1 year old with an average number of visitor traffic of around 1-2 (unique visitors) per day which can be said that the visibility of this website is still very low. 
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Universitas Pembangunan Jaya Tangerang