Abstract :
In the early stages of the health service process, patients often take a queue number first. Every health facility must use a queuing system in its services. Until now, the process of taking queue numbers is still the same as before, only during the COVID-19 pandemic there is an additional process that must be carried out in every health facility, namely checking body temperature. Checking body temperature using a thermometer is often used to screen for COVID-19 with symptoms of fever. Checking body temperature is an important thing to do as a form of preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The process of checking body temperature is carried out using a tool that is currently often used, namely a thermogun, then the officer will give a queue number to the patient. However, this tool is still not automatic so it requires humans to operate the tool. However, this tool is less effective to use because of the very fast transmission of COVID-19 through droplets, where officers often have to always measure the body temperature of visitors by pointing a thermogun to the patient's forehead and giving a queue number so that there is an interaction that prevents officers and visitors from doing physical activity. distancing which will result in the rapid transmission of COVID-19. Judging from these problems and the importance of checking body temperature during a pandemic and for the smooth running of health services, therefore, the authors are interested in developing a tool "Printing Machine Number Queue With Microcontroller-Based Non-Contact Body Temperature Measurement".
The above problems can be solved by printing a queue number with a non- contact body temperature measurement based on a microcontroller. This tool is a tool to print queue numbers and is equipped with a microcontroller-based body temperature meter whose results are in the form of paper from a thermal printer and an LCD display. The working principle of this tool is to use the MLX90614 temperature sensor which will measure the temperature of the human body non- contact, and use the Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller as a tool controller, and for output it uses a Thermal printer to print queue numbers and the results of body temperature measurements, while the 20x4 LCD functions to displays the results of body temperature measurements and total visitors.
The queue number printer with non-contact body temperature measurement based on a microcontroller works according to its function with an accuracy of 99.56% body temperature measurement.