Abstract :
Background :Preliminary study that researchers do in the hospital room of Dr. H. Soewondo Kendal, obtained 10 results from 31 nurses in the bougenvil room and ylang said that the direction of head space against documentation is atill not maximal.
Method : This research uses quantitative research method with the type of research used in this study is quantitative correlative research that aims to reveal the relationship between variales, large sample 122 respondents briefing at RSUD Dr. H. Soewondo Kendal.
Result : The result of statistical test with Rank Spearman test obtained ? result of 0,464 with value of pvalue equal to 0,006 ? 0,05 with ? = 0,05. So it is concluded taht H0 rejected and Ha accepted, which means there is a relationship function diretion head of the room wiht the implementation of documentation of nursing care in the room RSUD Dr. H. Soewondo Kendal.
Conclusion : There is a correlation between the function of head direction of space with the implementation of nursing care documentation in the hospital room RSUD Dr. H. Soewondo Kendal..