Environmental and Pastoral Issue in Cheryll Glotfelty’s Beast of The Southern Wild Film (An Ecocriticism Study)
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Universitas Wijaya Putra
PJ Semitic 
2020-09-17 04:14:44 
Abstract :
The study aims at portraying environmental and pastoral issue in Cheryll Glot felt y?sBeasts of the Southern Wild. The film is directed by Benh Zeitlin in 2012. This filmshows the efforts of some people in Bathtub to survive from hurricanes and the giantanimal called aurochs which threat them. It uses Ecocriticism approach by Cheryll B.Glottfelty to analyze the environmental and pastoral issue. Environmental issue isproblem which related to nature or environment, and pastoral issue means that countrywith implicit and explicit contrast to urban condition with the pejorative sense. Afteranalyzing this film, it is found that water as life?s source also the environmental issuein this film it becomes the life?s threat for living-things. The natural disaster whichhappens is caused by human activity. The pastoral issue can be caused not only bysocial and economic reality, but also by cultural. Pastoral that can show when peoplein Bathtub try to survive and stay still in their place and they believe that they candoing who?s the earth is for. Ecocrit icism?s values concern that nature as a dominantcharacter which have the purpose to build human?s awareness to nature is clearlyshown in this film. 
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Universitas Wijaya Putra