Abstract :
Indi Depi Trisnowati. "Implementation of the School Literacy Movement (GLS)
in Civics Subjects at Kesatrian 2 Semarang High School", Pancasila and Citizenship
Education study program, Faculty of Social Science and Sports Education, PGRI
Semarang University, 2023.
This research is motivated by the policy of the ministry of education and
culture regarding the School Literacy Movement (GLS) which is legalized by
Permendikbud Number 23 of 2015 concerning Cultivation of Budi Pekerti, which
in its implementation in the field has not been achieved optimally. The purpose of
this study was to describe and analyze the implementation of the school literacy
movement in Civics subjects at Kesatrian 2 Semarang High School. This research
uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The focus of the research is
"Implementation of the School Literacy Movement (GLS) in Civics subjects at
Kesatrian 2 Semarang High School" with the following sub-focus: 1) The kinds of
literacy implemented in GLS through Pancasila and Citizenship Education (Civics)
subjects. 2) The process of implementing the School Literacy Movement (GLS) in
Civics subjects. The methods used to collect data are interviews, observations, and
documentation. Data analysis techniques use data collection, data condensation,
presentation and conclusions. Data Validity uses source triangulation.
The results showed that the implementation of the School Literacy Movement
(GLS) in Civics subjects at Kesatrian 2 Semarang High School: 1) the kinds of
literacy implemented in the School Literacy Movement (GLS) through Civics
subjects, namely three basic literacies inherent in Civics subjects including literacy
in reading and writing, digital literacy, cultural literacy and citizenship. 2) The
implementation process of the school literacy movement in Civics subjects is
carried out through three activities, namely habituation, development and learning.
Habituation, literacy is carried out for 15 minutes before learning begins.
Development, has not been carried out optimally, this is indicated by the non?academic activities that can develop students' literacy interests. Learning, includes
three stages, namely planning, implementation and assessment. Planning is poured
into the RPP (Learning Implementation Plan), Implementation is carried out with
literacy activities reading non-textbook lessons followed by academic bills, then
Assessment, matters relating to literacy in Civics subjects are only used as affective
and psychomotor assessments.
Keywords: Implementation, School Literacy Movement, Civics Subjects