Abstract :
Bahari, Hisyam. 2023. The Analysis of Moral Value in Spiderman: Into the
Spider-Verse Movie. Final Project, English Education Study, Faculty of Language
and Arts Education, University of PGRI Semarang. Advisor I:
Dra.T.SriSuwarti,M.Pd., Advisor II: Sriwahyuni,S.P.d., M.Pd.
Keyword: Moral Value, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Movie
The researcher conducted an analysis to discover the moral values present in the
movie "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse." The study involved examining and
analyzing the dialogue in the film, leading to the identification of several moral
values that could be applicable in educational contexts. The study had two main
objectives: (1) to elucidate the moral values portrayed in the movie "Spider-Man:
Into the Spider-Verse" and (2) to understand how the message conveyed in the
movie could be integrated into the curriculum at PGRI Semarang University. The
research followed a qualitative descriptive approach, involving the analysis and
description of the research subject. This analysis was supported by relevant
theories and a variety of literary and documentary sources. As a result of the
research, several moral values were found that could be effectively incorporated
into the field of education.
The results showed that: (1) Moral values in the movie Spider-Man: Into
the Spider-Verse is divided into several parts, namely respect, responsibility,
fairness, mutual assistance, tolerance, wisdom, altruism, cooperation, courage,
confidence (2) The movie Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse can provide good
moral values that can have implications for learning and daily activities. At the
end of the research, the researcher hopes that it can be a reference in learning.