Abstract :
Nurfa?i, Mukhammad. 2023. The Analysis of Word Formation Process in
Appeared Slang Words during Covid-19 Pandemic. Final Project. Semarang:
English Education Study Program, Faculty of Language and Arts Education,
University of PGRI Semarang, Advisor I: Dra. Siti Lestari, M.Pd., Advisor II:
Dr.AB. Prabowo KA S.Pd, M.Hum.
Keywords: Word formation process, slang word, covid-19 pandemic.
The COVID-19 pandemic makes our vocabularies more extensive,
in English slang words. The words such as covidiot,
covidient, and coronacation are examples of new slang words that appeared
during the COVID-19 pandemic. How the word is created can be learned in word
formation process theory. This study with the title "The Analysis of Word
Formation Process in Appeared Slang Words During COVID-19 Pandemic" has
the aims of finding the kind of word formation process that is used in newly
appearing slang words, the most frequent type of word formation process that is
used in newly appearing slang words, and the contribution of learning word
formation process to English teaching.
This thesis methodology was the qualitative method, which relied on
verbal data, and the data had been explained descriptively. The researcher took the
data from the websites DailyMail, Thony Thorne, and Dictionary.com until he got
enough data. This thesis used the word formation process theory of George Yule
to analyze how slang words were created. The researcher also used an online
dictionary named Urban Dictionary to translate it and social media sites like
Twitter to find examples of slang words that were used.
There were six types of word formation processes found, such as
blending, compounding, clipping, hypocorism, initialization, and multiple
processes. Blending was a type of word formation process that was most
commonly used in forming slang words. Next, learning the word formation
process can make a contribution to English teaching because it?s good for
vocabulary mastery.