Abstract :
Mustafiroh, Ida. 2023. The Analysis Contextual Meaning Of Idiomatic
Expression In Elemental: Forces Of Nature Movie. Final Project, English Study
Program, Faculty of Language and Arts Education, University of PGRI Semarang.
Advisor I: Ririn Ambarini, S.Pd.,M.Hum., Advisor II: Dra.T.Sri Suwarti, M.Pd.
Keywords: Contextual meaning, Idiomatic Expression, Elemental: Forces of
Nature Movie.
This final project conducted to analyzed categories of contextual meaning
of idiomatic expression found in The Scripst in Elemental: Forces of Nature
Movie. The objectives of the study were: 1) to find out the types of idiomatic
expression which are produced in film Elemental: Forces of Nature Movie, 2) to
know contextual meaning of idomatic expression in scripst Elemental: Forces Of
Nature Movie.
This research use descriptive qualitative method. The object of this study
was the contextual meaning of idiomatic expression were taken Elemental: Forces
Of Nature Movie. In analyzing the data the researcher did some steps. First, the
researcher watches the movie to understand well the story. Second, the researcher
reads the dialogues of the transcript to understand the content of the movie. Next,
the researcher identified the types idiomatic expression, then the researcher
analyzes and discusses the contextual meaning of idiomatic expression to
Soegiono theory. The last, the researcher write the conclusion and suggestion.
As a result of this study, the researcher found 34 idioms that contain
meaning, and the highest number were found in phrasal verb idioms. This
research can be used as a reference for students to study the contextual meaning of
idioms of idiomatic expressions. Teachers can use films as a medium in
prohibiting speech acts in learning. Students must be more active and interested in
class when the teacher uses this film as a medium for learning English. These
results can be used as a reference to interpret in our daily conversations.