Abstract :
Wicaksono, Farid. 2023. The Use of E-Paragraph Application in Paragraph
Writing Class at Second Semester Students of English Education Study Program of
Universitas Pgri Semarang in the Academic Year 2022/2023. Final Project, English
Education Study Program, Faculty Language and Arts Education, Universitas PGRI
Semarang. Advisor 1: Siti Musarokah, S.Pd., M.Hum. Advisor 2: Dr. AB. Prabowo
K.A., S.Pd., M.Hum.
Keywords: Writing Skill, Paragraph Writing, Application.
This final project aims to analyze the use of the Researcher?s creation E?Paragraph. The objectives of this study are: (1) To find out the implementation of
E-Paragraph application in teaching paragraph writing. (2) To find out the students?
perception the using E-Paragraph Application. (3) To find out students? writing
paragraph development in the using E-Paragraph Application. The research design
used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method because this method
provides flexibility for researchers to interpret and analyze descriptively the
subjective elements such as students? perception, obstacles, or feedback. The results
of this study revealed that E- Paragraph able to help the students understanding
about paragraph writing especially in expository text. Data is taken from the
questionnaire and the documentation. From the questionnaire, researcher able to
conclude it into pie chart that the students are able to keep up and having good
understanding, interest in using E-Paragraph. The results of this study indicate that
the application is able to assist the students to accomplish their paragraph writing.
Through the E-Paragraph application, students can generate and organize their ideas
and generate text as well. One good suggestion for lecturer to apply technology
based media as an alternative way to improve students' writing skills.