Abstract :
The research entitled Corona Virus Disease as an Increasing Factor of Crimes in
Surabaya City aims first to find out about how and what factors cause increased crime in
Surabaya during the pandemic corona virus disease and to find out how crime prevention
by the Surabaya Sector Police is related to an increase in crime due to a pandemic corona
virus disease.
The research method used in this thesis uses the Normative Legal research
method which is a legal research to study the problem in terms of norms. The approach in
this research is the legislative approach and the case approach.
Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded: First, the factors causing
the increase in crime during the Covid-19 pandemic in the city of Surabaya are the
phenomenon of termination of employment against workers / laborers in the city of
Surabaya which is quite massive, causing unemployment to increase and the imposition
of restrictions Large-scale social system (PSBB), which began on April 27, 2020 in the
Surabaya, Sidoarjo and Gresik regions, caused the majority of Surabaya people working
in the informal sector to decline and even lost their income. Therefore crime has
increased due to economic factors amid this corona virus pandemic. Second; The Corona
Virus Disease phenomenon is the cause of the increase in crime in the city of Surabaya
due to the fact that many companies are unable to operate anymore, leading to
termination of employment for their workers and large-scale social restrictions in the city
of Surabaya. Based on these two factors, the main reason for how the corona virus causes
an increase in crime in the city of Surabaya is because of this factor, the Indonesian
economy, especially the people of Surabaya, is highly affected. The crime
countermeasure committed by the Surabaya Resort Police is by conducting preventive
efforts by actively preventing and guarding petrolim in all areas of Surabaya ranging
from RT units to Districts.
Suggestions that can be given by the author to the results of the discussion about
corona virus disease as a factor in increasing crime in Surabaya is first, the people of
Surabaya should be aware of the current conditions where during the economic pandemic
weakened which caused an increase in crime. Therefore, the people of Surabaya City
must synergize with the police and the TNI in the context of handling crime and the
people of Surabaya should be related to the corona virus pandemic now to be more open
in providing data on their citizens and / or neighbors in terms of providing direct
assistance. This is important because government assistance to communities affected by
corona virus disease must be given on target.
Keywords: Covid-19, Crimes, Public.