Abstract :
Globalization that exists not only in the economic sector, but also affects the life
of science and technology, in this case known as cyberspace. The emergence of
social media has changed various kinds of structures which at first were very
difficult to achieve by conventional media, one of which is the social movement.
Whether or not technological sophistication is aware of it is very helpful for
human work, besides that, several kinds of new crimes have also emerged using
technological sophistication. Research shows that initially bullying occurs only in
physical matters, but along with the development of technology, bullying occurs
and it spreads not only to the physical aspect, but the form of bullying has
widened which also penetrates verbal and / or psychology, which is carried out in
The research used in the preparation of this thesis is normative legal research,
using primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal
materials. In this study the compilers also used a statute approach, a conceptual
approach, and a normative juridical approach.
Cyber bullying in reality is a new criminal act, in which the Indonesian
government clearly regulates the existing legal provisions and acts as an effort to
solve it. With the presence of RI Law Number 11 of 2008 which was amended by
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2016, it is clear that cyber
bullying is a criminal act that is not only regulated by legal sanctions in the
Criminal Code.
Some of the cyber cases that have occurred include cyber bullying as material in
the preparation of this thesis which is expected to be a reference both
academically and practically, because in reality the application of law is still far
from expectations of justice