Abstract :
Bawaslu as an election supervisory agency has the authority, one of
which is to decide on an election violation. If you look at the process of resolving
election violations, it can also be related to the concept of justice, because election
violations are not a category of ordinary crimes, but extraordinary crimes whose
resolution requires the concept of justice in order to realize a good democracy.
The election law has contained the formulation of delix and the threat of sanctions
and penalties for election violations, including the mechanism for resolving them.
In a theoretical study, the conviction of a person is closely related to criminal
responsibility. The focus of the discussion on legal issues is how the process of
resolving election violations against the concept of justice and the implications of
the decision on election violations by Bawaslu on KPU policy making.
This research is a type of qualitative research. This research emphasizes
on election management institutions, so the main approach used is the institutional
network approach to Bawaslu, namely through a legal approach and a conceptual
approach. Meanwhile, the legal material uses laws related to elections and its
derivatives, namely the Bawaslu regulations in dealing with election violations.
The influence of a Bawaslu decision is very important in deciding
election violations, if the independence of the Bawaslu is still attached and its
dignity is maintained then the democratic process in this country will run very
well and fairly for all people who want electoral justice to be realized. With the
importance of an Bawaslu decision in deciding a violation, Bawaslu itself must be
far from being neutral. The code of ethics as the guardian of the dignity of
democracy must be strictly guarded.
Revision of Law 7 of 2017 concerning Special General Elections
regarding administrative sanctions against administrative violations committed by
election participants and election organizers is urgently needed. The sanctions
given should be clearer and firmer so that the sanctions imposed are
commensurate with the type of violation committed, which in the end can serve as
a deterrent so that the election organizers work according to applicable
norms/rules and have a deterrent effect.
Keywords: Election, Fair, Authority, Independence