Abstract :
Halal certificates as a guarantee of consumer protection play an important
role so that people do not doubt the halalness of the Sinovac Vaccine and are not
afraid to participate in the Vaccination Program carried out by the Government
in tackling the COVID-19 virus pandemic. The research method used in this thesis
is using the normative juridical research method which is library research,
namely research on legislation and literature related to the material discussed.
The research, entitled Issuance of Halal Certificate Against Sinovac Vaccines as
Consumer Protection Efforts in Indonesia, aims first to find out, understand and
analyze the urgency of Halal Certificates for Sinovac Vaccines in Indonesia.
Second, to find out, understand, and analyze the relevance of the legal basis in the
process of issuing the Sinovac Vaccine Halal Certificate as an effort to protect
consumers in Indonesia. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded,
First: that the urgency of the Sinovac Vaccine Halal Certificate began with the
2019 corona virus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. It is known that Indonesia
experienced a COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 until now. Then the
Government made an effort to Vaccinate the Program, but at that time the
Vaccine products used by the Government were in the clinical trial stage and
were still not 100% halal. So BPOM issued an Emergency Circulation Permit for
the use of the Sinovac Vaccine as an effort to Vaccinate Programs carried out by
the Government. Second: The process of issuing a Halal Certificate is needed in
the Vaccination Program so that the program can be implemented quickly and in
a mass manner properly and correctly. So that people are not afraid to take part
in the Vaccination Program, and Sinovac Vaccine products are guaranteed to be
halal. In this case, the Government plays an important role in ensuring consumer
protection for the rights of consumers and business actors and the implementation
of the obligations of consumers and business actors. The government is also
responsible for fostering and supervising its implementation as an effort to protect
the law against Muslim and non-Muslim consumers.