Infusa Lidah Buaya (Aloe Vera) Sebagai Bahan Pengawet Udang Vaname (Litopenaeus Vannamei) Terhadap Uji Ph Dan Total Plate Count
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
Setiawan, Agus
R Medicine (General) 
2020-03-16 05:07:20 
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of aloe vera infusion on Total Plate Count (TPC) and pH value of vaname shrimp. The experimental design used in this study was a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 7 replications, namely the addition of Aloe vera Infusion (Aloe vera) concentrations of 50% (P1), 75% (P2) and 100% (P3) in vaname shrimp that were soaked during 20 minutes and allowed to stand for 6 hours. The results showed an average of 0 0 x 105 bacterial colonies at 0.41 x 105 at P1, 0.60 x 105 and at P2, 0.73 x 105 at 3 P3 then at 6 hours showed an average of 0 bacterial colonies, 55 x 105 at P1, 0.63 x 105 and at P2, 1.09 x 105 at P3. The results of data analysis showed that immersion of vaname shrimp with Aloe vera Infusion (Aloe vera) had an effect (P 0.01) on the Total Plate Count (TPC). PH of Shrimp vaname at the 0th hour on P3 treatment has an average pH of 7.3, P2 has an average pH of 7.3, and P1 has an average pH of 7.2 then at the 6th hour P3 has an average pH 6.0, P2 has an average pH of 6.1, and P1 has an average pH of 5.9. Tests showed that Aloe Vera Infusion had a very significant effect on vaname shrimp pH (P <0.01). 
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya