Pengaruh pemberian Oat Meal terhadap tumor Necrosis factor alfa pada darah tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) yang terpajan asap kendaraan bermotor
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
Kusuma, I Putu Agus Aris Wijaya
R Medicine (General) 
2020-07-30 02:47:08 
Abstract :
THE INFLUENCE OF FOOD OATS ON ALUMINUM FACTORS NECROSIS TUMORS IN BLOOD RAT WHITE (Rattus norvegicus) THAT WAS OPENED BY SMOKE MOTOR VEHICLE Putu Agus Aris Wijaya Kusuma Medical Study Program. Medical of Faculty , University of Wijaya Kusuma, Surabaya. Advisor: Dr. Farida Angraeni, dr. SpP ABSTRACT Exposure to toxic gas activates alveolar macrophages and airway epithelial cells in forming chemotactic factors, the release of chemotactic factors induces a mechanism of infiltration of hematopoietic cells in the lungs that can cause lung structure damage. This cell infiltration can be a new source of chemotactic factors and prolong lung inflammatory reactions to chronic and progressive disease. Alveolar macrophages in patients increase the release of TNF-? (Tumor Necrosis Factor). Oatmeal is formed from the intact oat grains known as health food which has anti-oxidant benefits for the body. The population in this study were Wistar Rats (Rattus norvegicus) in laboratory animals, mice aged 2-3 months, body weight 150-200 grams with a healthy physical condition namely clear eyes, agile movements and fur appearing sparkling with a sample of 18 The data analysis of this study used a motorized One Way Anova Analysis with a p-value = 0,000 ie

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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya