Perbandingan uji fluorrescent antibody test (FAT) dan reverse trancription-polimerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) dalam mendiagnosa virus rabies pada sampel otak anjing ditinjau dari sensitivitas dan spesifitas
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
Yolanda, Amelia
R Medicine (General) 
2020-08-31 08:24:09 
Abstract :
This study was conducted to determine whether there is a difference between the Fluorescent Antibody Test (FAT) method and the Reverse Transcription - Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) method in diagnosing rabies virus in dog brain samples in terms of sensitivity and specificity. A total of 20 dog brain samples were taken from a collection of samples belonging to the Animal Health Veterinary Public Health Laboratory of the Food Crop, Horticulture, and Animal Husbandry Province of Central Kalimantan. For the FAT test, preparations are made first before being seen under a fluorescent microscope, and for the RT-PCR test, RNA extraction was done before the RNA amplification stage was performed. The results showed that the positive FAT results were 16 samples, and the positive RT-PCR results were 16 as well, while the negative FAT results were 4 samples, and the negative results from RT-PCR were 4 out of 20 samples. Then the results of the study were entered into a 2x2 cross-tabulation, and the sensitivity and specificity values obtained between the FAT method and the RT-PCR method were 100% or equivalent in detecting Rabies Virus. So from this study, no significant differences were seen in the two methods 
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya