Improving students in writing narrative text using gallery walk technique of tenth grade smk kawung 2 surabaya
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
Sutrisno, Ekklesia Frencenatra
L Education (General) 
2020-09-08 03:31:24 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT Sutrisno Ekklesia Frencenatra 2020. Improve stuednts in writing narrative text using gallery walk technique of Tenth Grade SMK Kawung 2 Surabaya. Wijaya Kusuma University. Dukuh Kupang, Surabaya Advisors : 1. Dra. Siti Azizah, M.Pd. : 2. Drs. Herry Kusmiharto, M. Pd. This study aims to improve students' writing skills in narrative texts through the walking gallery technique in class X AKUNTANSI Kawung 2 in Surabaya. This subject consisted of 29 students, 3 males and 26 females. This research uses the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method. The class action research design applied in this study is collaborative class action research.The researcher collaborated with English teacher from Kawung 2 Vocational School as an observer. This study was carried out in two cycles to achieve success indicator. The result can be seen from the score of students at the end of each cycle. In Pre-Cycle 20.68% of students achieved KKM, it improved to be 62.06% of then could achieve KKM, in the first cycle. Then in the second cycle 89.65% of students could achieve KKM, from the result, it can be concluded that gallery walk technique can be used to improve students of tenth grade SMK Kawung 2 Surabaya in writing narrative text. 

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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya