Perbandingan jumlah hemoglobin (Hb) daneritrosit pada tikus putih jantan (Rattus norvegicus) yang dipapar asap rokok konvensional dan rokok
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
R Medicine (General) 
2020-09-08 05:06:35 
Abstract :
COMPARISON OF THE NUMBER OF HEMOGLOBINS (Hb) AND ERITROSITS IN THE WHITE RAT RAT (Rattus norvegicus) WHICH IS PROVIDED BY CONVENTIONAL CIGARETTE AND HERBAL CIGARETTE Rikar Antonio Tage ABSTRACT This research was conducted to find out how to compare the amount of hemoglobin (Hb) and erythrocytes in male white rats (Rattus norvegicus) exposed to conventional cigarette smoke and herbal cigarettes. The examination was carried out by RAL (completely randomized design) with 3 treatments and 8 replications using male white rats. The average value of erythrocytes in the control group 7.77 10 ^ 6 / µL, P1 7.61 10 ^ 6 / µL and P2 8.00 10 ^ 6 / µL and the average hemoglobin (Hb) value in the control group 13, 17 g / dl, P1 13.32 g / dl and P2 14.00 g / dl. Based on the results of the analysis did not show a significant difference (P> 0.05), this means that the provision of conventional cigarette smoke and herbal cigarette smoke was not significantly different from the hemoglobin and erythrocyte levels in male white ticust (Rattus norvegicus). Keywords: Erythrocytes, Hemoglobin, Conventional Cigarettes, Herbal Cigarettes. 
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya