Military Jargons in Scott Waugh's Act of Valor
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
Muhammad, Vito Safero
PA Classical philology 
2020-09-15 04:17:16 
Abstract :
Language is used by people to communicate. In communication, people may have different social backgrounds that provide a part of language variation, one of which is occupation. Different people who have different occupational backgrounds speak differently. They use their language or term to communicate. This language or term is called Jargon. Jargon is used by a wide variety of people from different backgrounds, particularly those who belong to certain occupations. The Military is one of those groups who use jargon to communicate with each other. This study focuses on finding the form and meaning of military jargons used in the act of Valor, a movie by Scott Waugh. The research method is Qualitative Research that uses documentation in a form of data classification sheet. The researcher found that there were thirty-one military jargons, each of them has their own form, they are words, phrases, abbreviations, and acronyms. Among those thirty-one military jargons that was found, each of them also has different meanings, they are conceptual meaning and associative meaning. The result shows that there were nineteen word jargons, four phrase jargons, one acronym jargon, and nine abbreviation jargons. The result also shows that thirteen jargons have conceptual meaning, while eighteen have associative meaning. Keywords : Sociolinguistics, language variation, jargon, military jargon. 

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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya