Setting analysis of secret life of walter Mitty Film Directed By Ben Stiller
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
Prihandoko, Arifudin
PR English literature 
2020-09-15 07:07:52 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT Prihandoko, Arifudin. 2020. Setting Analysis of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Film Directed by Ben Stiller. Final Project. English Department. Faculty of Language and Science. Wjaya Kusuma University at Surabaya. Advisor I: Dra. Bekti Wirawati, M.Pd, Advisor II: Drs. H. Heru Wibowo, M.Pd Key words: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Film, Setting The purpose of this research is to find out how the setting can support the storyline of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty film directed by Ben Stiller adopted from James Thurber?s short story. The researcher uses descriptive qualitative method to analyze the data. The researcher looks from books, journals, theories, and articles which related with the topic. To answer the problems of this research, the researcher uses Setting theory and Cinematography as the technique. The result of this research shows that Setting is one of some important aspects in the stories including in film. Setting cannot be separated with other aspects because they are interconnected, especially with storyline. There are five elements of setting that the researcher found, they are setting of place, time, atmosphere, social and material in film The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Then, the setting in this film became important because some important points. They are interconnection between all elements of setting so that make the storyline be interested, then all the elements of setting supported Walter Mitty as the main character to solve the problem. 
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya