Teaching Listening Using English TV Series For Senior High School
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
Megananda, Surya Ayu
LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools 
2020-09-21 05:11:26 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT Surya Ayu Megananda. 2020. Teaching Listening Using English TV Series For Senior High School. Final Assignment, English Department of Language and Science Faculty. Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya. Advisor : 1. Drs. Herry Kusmiharto, M.Pd. In learning English, Listening is one of most important skills that should be mastered by student. But in fact, many student are still less confident about their capacity to listen especially for student of SMA NEGERI 12 SURABAYA. It is caused by media of teaching listening which is not interesting for students. As a result, the student prefer to be passive during the listening process. Therefore, in this paper, the writer suggests the teacher to use English TV Series as a media for teaching listening. By using English TV Series, the student get new experience in their learning, so the student will get new motivation to identify what is discussed by someone on the TV Show. Keywords : Teaching Listening, TV Series For Senior High School 
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya