efek antibakteri ekstrak biji kopi (Coffea canephora) terhadap daya bunuh bskteri Escherichia coli dengan metode
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
Hantana, Putu Krisna Dewiyani
R Medicine (General) 
2021-01-19 03:11:18 
Abstract :
Diarrhea is an infectious disease that is often found in the society in Indonesia. Until today, diarrhea is still one of the health problem. One of bacteria that causes diarrhea is Escherichia coli. Based on research, Robusta Coffee (Coffea canephora) Beans, naturally has various antibacterial properties such as caffeine, phenolic compounds, chlorogenic acid, and trigonelline. The purpose of this research was to know the antibacterial effects of robusta coffee beans extract towards the bactericidal effects on Escherichia coli by dilution methods. The research type used in this research was experimental laboratory with post test only control group design. This study used 28 samples that were divided into 5 treatment groups (20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100%) and 2 control groups (negative and positive control). The analysis data that used in this research was descriptive analysisThe result found that the antibacterial content in the robusta coffee beans extract at concentration 20% and 40% had no bactericidal effect on Escherichia coli. On the other hand, at the concentration 60%, 80%, and 100% were effective on killing Escherichia coli. It can be concluded that robusta coffee beans extract has an antibacterial effects toward the bactericidal effect of Escherichia coli at the minimum concentration of 60%. 
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya