Uji efektivitas antibakteri rebusan daun sembung (blumea balsamifera) terhadap diameter zona hambat bakteri escherichia coli dengan menggunakan metode difusi
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
Pangestu, Putu Rico Aditya
R Medicine (General) 
2021-01-27 06:56:47 
Abstract :
One of the plants that are processed into medicine is the sembung plant (Blumea balsamifera). Generally, sembung leaves are used as an alternative treatment for diarrhea disease. Sembung leaves contained several active substances including saponins which can reduce the surface tension of bacterial cell walls, tannins which can be used as inhibitors of bacterial wall polypeptide formation from the erosion of bacterial cell walls and flavonoids which have three functions simultaneously, including inhibiting the processing of nucleic acids, inhibiting energy processing, and inhibits the work process of the cell membrane. From the several active substances contained on sembung leaves, the researchers were interested in testing whether there was an inhibition zone caused by the growth of the Escherichia coli bacteria which is one of the bacteria that causes diarrhea by boiling the leaves of sembung using sterile aquadest at 100?C. The diffusion method is the method that used in this research. After the research was carried out, the results of sembung (Blumea balsamifera) leaf stew with a concentration of 50%, 75%, 90%, and 100% could cause inhibition of the growth of Escherichia coli bacteria with the highest inhibition zone diameter at a concentration of 100% amounting to 8.25 mm. The suggestion that the researchers can develop research on giving sembung leaf stew in combination with other antibacterial plants. So it is expected to get a more varied and better antibiotic drug in producing an inhibitory zone against the growth of Escherichia coli bacteria. 
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya