Uji efektivitas antibakteri ekstrak daging buah jeruk bali (citrus maxima) berbiji terhadap diameter zona hambat pertumbuhan bakteri eschericia coli dengan menggunakan metode difusi
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
Purnawa, Dewa Gede Adrianta Angga
R Medicine (General) 
2021-01-27 07:18:34 
Abstract :
Balinese Pomelo fruit is really reach in subtances which fully benefit for human body, which are vitamine C, Pectine, flavonoid, alkaloid and likopen. Escherichia coli is a normal floral in human body, but yet if the amount increasing it became patogen that caused diarrhea. Therefore, Scientist is keen to have a research on how effective antibacteria on extract Balinese Pomelo fruit(Citrus Maxima) with seeds againts diameter inhibition zone growth Eschericia coli bacteria by using diffusion method which aim to know the effectivity antibacteria of the meat of Balinese pomelo fruit (Citrus maxima) with seeds extract againts diameter inhibition zone growth Eschericia coli bacteria by using diffusion method. The kind of research that use was laboratory experimental with research design post test only control group design. Population in the research is culture bacteria colonies Eschericia coli with four groups sampling, which are: treatment with extract meat of Balinese pomelo fruit with seeds (20%,40%, and 60%) and one group control negative (aquadest). The research resulting the extract meat of balinese pomelo fruit (Citrus maxima) with seeds is not able to inhibition the growth of Eschericia coli bacteria, by given extract concentration 20%, 40%, nor 60% that was proven by not finding the inhibition zone cause. These was caused by few factors which are: the quality of Balinese pomelo fruit itself, the difference in the amount of compound contents in Balinese pomelo fruit with seeds and without seeds, and still found few more other factors. From those research can be concluded that given extract meat of balinese pomelo fruit(citrus maxima) with seeds by Concentrate 20%, 40% and 60% did not effect into the growth of Escherichia coli bacteria. 
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya