Pengaruh paparan inframerah dekat terhadap ukuran sel adiposit
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
Dewi, Putu Intan Yunita
R Medicine (General) 
2021-01-29 02:33:57 
Abstract :
Obesity is a process of entering energy from food that is not equivalent to the energy carried out by the body. Based on the opinion of WHO (2015), it is revealed that the process of obesity comes from abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that can interfere with health. obesity occurs excessive or abnormal accumulation of fat in adipose tissue so that it disrupts health. Near infrared radiation (NIR) is light that exists between visible spectrum rays and mid-infrared rays, which is longer radiation from other rays and smaller in size than mid-infrared rays. The purpose of this study was to determine the change in adipocyte cell size of rats that had received near infrared light therapy compared to those that had not received near infrared light therapy. The software used to calculate the size of adipocyte cells is ImageJ version 1.45s. Near infrared light therapy can have a positive effect on weight loss and belly fat loss. 
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya