Abstract :
Noise is a sound or sound that is annoying or unwanted. Occupational deafness or noise-induced hearing loss refers to the permanent partial or complete loss of hearing. Due to constant exposure to noise in the workplace environment, one or both ears will be affected. According to the WHO report, the prevalence of hearing loss or damage in Indonesia is around 4.2%. Countries around the world state Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is a disease that can cause hearing loss, and 16% of adults become deaf due to noise in the workplace. Generally, mechanics are still low in the knowledge of the occupational safety and health culture provided by the company or industry which contributes to this problem. The audiometer is an electronic device that measures the hearing threshold which is used as a hearing diagnosis in a person. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of noise on hearing loss in motor repair mechanics in the West Denpasar sub-district, Bali by using an audiometer. The type of research used is explanatory and uses the cross-sectional method. The location of the research, there are three motorcycle workshops located in the West Denpasar sub-district. The results of the study did not find a relationship between noise and decreased hearing quality in motorcycle repair mechanics in West Denpasar District, Bali. However, this study also found that there was a relationship between age and years of service on the decline in hearing quality in motorcycle repair mechanics in West Denpasar District.