Abstract :
Ayu, Dian. 2021. The Use of Lectora Inspire Application as media to Improve
student?s Vocabulary at SMP Kawung 2 Surabaya.Wijaya Kusuma
University.Dukuh Kupang. Surabaya.
Advisors: (I) Dra. Siti Azizah, M.Pd (II) Drs. H. Heru Wibowo, M.Pd.
This research is about the use of the Lectora Inspire Application in
improving the vocabulary of seventh graders at SMP Kawung 2 Surabaya in the
2021/2022 academic year. The problem they face is the lack of mastery of their
vocabulary. They are also weak in learning vocabulary, especially on adjectives
because they are not effective in the teaching and learning process so that they get
low grades. This research was conducted to find out that using the Lectora Inspire
Application can improve students' vocabulary. In this study, the researcher used
classroom action research with two cycles carried out with data reduction, data
presentation, and qualitative data obtained from interviews, observation lists, and
documentation. Quantitative data were taken from pre-cycle, first and second
cycle tests. In conducting the pre cycle, the researcher gave a pre cycle test to get
the first value. The learning was carried out for three days using the Lectora
Inspire Application to improve their vocabulary and also giving tests to get an
improvement score. The results of using the Lectora Inspire Application showed
that the average score of the first test of students after using the Lectora Inspire
Application was 80-90. In the second cycle, the researcher gave materials and
tests. The results showed an increase in the average student getting a score of 80-
95. Their vocabulary mastery increases, starting from mastery of adjective
vocabulary and making sentences. This can be seen in their scores which show an
increase in each test. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that
using the Lectora Inspire Application can help students improve their vocabulary.
It is recommended that the use of the Lectora Inspire Application is the right
strategy in carrying out the teaching and learning process, especially in
Key Word: Lectora Inspire Application, vocabulary,classroom action research