Daya simpan daging sapi yang dikemas plastik Food Grade, daun labu siam (Sechium edule (Jacq). Swartz) dan daun pepaya (Carica papaya L.) terhadap uji organoleptik, uji awal pembusukan dan Total Plate Count (TPC)
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
R Medicine (General) 
2021-09-14 01:21:32 
Abstract :
The aimed of this research was to determine the effected of packaged beef with food grade plastic, chayote leaves and papaya leaves during time of 8 and 16 hours against organoleptic tests, early decay tests and Total Plate Count (TPC). The method taht Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with six treatments and four replications. The treatments were P0 (food grade plastic as a control with 8 hours of packaging time), P1 (Food grade plastic as a control with a packaging time of 16 hours), P2 (Chayote leaves with 8 hours of packaging time), P3 (Chayote leaves with a packaging time of 8 hours). 16 hours), P4 (Papaya leaves with 8 hours of packaging), P5 (Papaya leaves with 16 hours of packaging). Data analized by Kruskal Wallis, TPC test by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and early decay tests by descriptive method.The result showed that on 8 hours the color and texture of the meat did not have a significant difference, while the flavor of the meat had a significant difference between chayote leaves and food grade plastic. There were significant differences in the organoleptic results of 16 hours of flavor and texture had a significant difference, while the colors of chayote leaves, papaya leaves and food grade plastic had a significant difference. The result of early decay tests during 8 and 16 hours were negative.The TPC result showed that did not have a significant difference, while 16 hours of chayote leaves, papaya leaves and food grade plastic had a significant difference. The concluded that meat more durable if packaged in food grade plastic and the next alternative was chayote leaves with a maximum packaging time of 8 hours at room temperature. Key words: chayote leaves, papaya leaves, food grade plastic, organoleptic tests, early decay tests and TPC. 
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya