Kajian urinalisis ditinjau dari pH, berat jenis, dan eritrosit pada kucing (Felis catus) pada kasus FLUTD (Feline Lower Urinalysis Tract Diseaase) di klinik hewan Surabaya
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
Aeliyyah, Nur Jannah
RB Pathology 
2021-09-15 04:33:47 
Abstract :
URINALYSIS STUDY IN TERMS OF pH, SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND ERYTHROCYTES IN CATS (Felis catus) WITH FLUTD (Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease) CASES AT THE SURABAYA VETERINARY CLINIC Aeliyyah Nur Jannah ABSTRACT This study aims to analyzed the qualitative description of pH, Specific Gravity and Erythrocytes through laboratory examination used a pH meter, refractometer and sedimentation examination to saw erythrocytes in the urine of cats diagnosed with FLUTD. This study is an experimental observation study with 15 samples of cat urine diagnosed with FLUTD and using purposive sampling method. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively, processing data with normality test and homogeneity test, from laboratory results found 47% of urine with acidic pH, 27% with alkaline pH and 27% with normal pH. There are 47% high specific gravity, 15% low specific gravity and 40% with normal density and there are 40% erythrocytes <100/HPF (High Power Field), 27% erythrocytes over >100/LPB and 33% normal erythrocytes in urine. The data obtained from statistical analysis showed that the normality test data was normally distributed with a significance value (Sig) > 0.05 while the homogeneity test showed a homogeneous data value with a significance value (Sig) > 0.05. It can be concluded that FLUTD can affect changes in pH values, specific gravity and the number of erythrocytes in cat urine. Keywords: FLUTD, urine pH , Specific Gravity, Erythrocytes, Cats, Examination Urine Physical. 
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Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya