Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of nutmeg leaf extract (Moringa oleifera) on organoleptic (color, smell, texture), pH value, and Total Plate Count (TPC) of broiler chicken meat. The experimental design used in this study was a randomized complete design with 4 treatments and 6 replications namely P0 (control), P1 (nutmeg leaf concentration 10%), P2 (nutmeg leaf concentration 15%), P3 (nutmeg leaf concentration 20%) on broiler chicken meat that was marinated for 30 minutes and allowed to stand for 24 hours. Organoleptic test of broiler meat showed that from P0 to P3 gave different changes in color, texture, and smell. P0 stinks. brown color and a lot of texture / clay. P1 has a foul smell and smells of Moringa leaves, slightly brown, and has a slightly dense texture. P2 has a foul odor and Moringa leaves, brown in color and a slightly chewy texture. P3 smells strongly of Moringa leaves, which are slightly brownish in color and chewy/soft. Test for pH and Total Plate Count (TPC) using statistical analysis of Variant Analysis. The average pH value at P0 6.7 P1 6.2 P2 5.8 P3 5.6. Average Total Plate Count (TPC) at P0 2.57 x 107, P1 1.98 x 106, P2 5.38 x 105, P3 1.15x105. The results of statistical analysis showed Moringa leaf extract had a significant effect on organoleptic, pH value and Total Plate Count.
Keywords : Broiler chicken, extra nutmeg leaves, organoleptic, pH value, Total Plate Count (TPC)