Nilai-nilai Syarekat Islam dalam hubungan NU-Muhammadiyah :: Suatu studi di Yogyakarta
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Universitas Gadjah Mada

S2 Sosiologi 
2019-07-16 00:00:00 
Abstract :
(ABSTRAKSI) Tesis ini meneliti pola hubungan sosial warga Syarikat Islam di Yogyakarta. Fokus kajian penelitian ini pada aspek kontribusi perbedaan ideologi dan latar belakang organisasi sosial keagamaan dalam membentuk pola hubungan sosial diantara warga Syarikat Islam. Pendekatan penelitiaannya menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan analisa deskriptif. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kajian pustaka dan wawancara mendalam. Wawancara dilakukan terhadap sepuluh informan warga - Syarikat Islam yang merepresentasikan heteroginitas baik secara kewilayahan maupun perbedaan ideologi dan latar belakang organisasi sosial keagamaan yang ada di Syarikat Islam. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa hubungan sosial diantara warga Syarikat Islam di Yogyakarta menunjukkan adanya sebuah kebersamaan, kerukunan dan persatuan, meski diantara mereka memiliki perbedaan ideologi dan latar belakang organisasi sosial keagamaan. Tewujudnya hubungan kebersamaan, kerukunan dan persatuan disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor. Pertama, nilai-nilai dasar organisasi yang sudah disusun dalam program asas dan program tandhim sebagai landasan untuk berpijak dalam membangun sebuah perjuangan. Kedua, kesadaran wrga Syarikat Islam dalam memegangi prinsip sebagai pelopor persatuan umaf Islam masih sangat kuat, sehingga melahirkan sebuah tradisi hidup rukun dan bersatu. Tradisi sosial tersebut telah berhasil mendorong lahirnya sikap yang mengedepankan kebersamaan, kerukunan dan persatuan. Ketiga, ada bangunan sosial di Syarikat Islam dalam mewujudkan kebersamaan, kerukunan dan persatuan yaitu dengan memakai prinsip hijrah khilafiyah dan hijrah furu'iyah. Sebuah sikap menghindari terjadinya konflik akibat dari perbedaan-perbedaan' yang tidak prinsip. Keempat, masih dimilikinya peran dan fungsi majelis Syar'i sebagai majelis yang memiliki otoritas menjaga persatuan dan menyelesaikan setiap persoalan melalui mekanisme organisasi. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menemukan fakta bahwa perbedaan ideologi dan latar belakang organisasi sosial keagamaan diantara warga Syarikat Islam memiliki potensi konflik. Konflik di lingkungan Syarikat Islam masih bersifat fungsional, sehingga konflik yang ada justru memperkokoh kerukunan, kebersamaan dan persatuan. (ABSTRACT) This is a research which concentrate on pattern of social relationship among the syarikat Islam membership in Yogyakarta area. This research, particularly, puts weigh on the defferences among the members of Syarikat Islam who have difference in the ideological aspect and religions believe background. These differences back ground, in long live of historical perspective, really formed pattern of social relationship among the Syarikat Islam’s membership. This research used qualitative approach and descriptive analytical method in collecting data, this research used library research and interview. In term of anthropological study, this method is what we called “the thick description”. This research conducted interview to 10 person who are the member of Syarikat Islam. These person represent the different point of view among the members interm of the Islamic ideological aspect and the Islamic movement back ground In this research, researcher finds a typical social relation, in term of sociological study, among the Syarikat Islam’s member in Yogyakarta area. The typical social relation means that they really live in peace and harmony. They become one group without look at the differences between them, in term of Islamic ideological point of view and the Islamic movement back ground. Those phenomenous really happened because of the first ;-they have specific Islamic values which all of their programs refer to those values. Those cose Islamic values are well built in the ‘progrdm asas’ and ‘the program Tandhim’. The secondL they have a unique awamess whioh/ the other religions believe groups don’t have it. This is a strong feeling of the ’Islamic United Loyalty. This awareness resulted not only in the shape of a unique culture which tends to support a person live in peace and harmony, but also support to some one’s feeling to live mutually agreeable. The third; to build those ide’w. They have specific words in term of Islamic believe point of view, these are h~rahkh il@yah and hijrahfiriyah; These words mean, they should evoid the internal Islamic Conflict. Because conflict doesn’t bring a person or society live in peace and harmony. A lot of data show that what the Islamic believers conflict doesn’t occupy in the principle position in the Islamic religious believe point of view. The fourth ; they have a council which has specific function. This council is what they called majlis Syuri ‘ah ’ which has power to over come the problems arise in between. Beside, researcher find a lot of data that show potential conflict in stare. This potential conflict hides behind in the pluralism of the Syarikat Islam membership. But this conflict is still in the functional approac 

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Universitas Gadjah Mada