Pengaruh persepsi citra perusahaan, harga, dan kualitas produk PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk. terhadap niat beli konsumen di Sekolah Pascasarjana Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada
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Universitas Gadjah Mada

S2 Psikologi (Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi 
2019-07-16 00:00:00 
Abstract :
(ABSTRAKSI) Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktian pengaruh persepsi citra perusahaan, harga, kualitas produk terhadap niat untuk membeli dengan diberi stimulus tayangan tentang PT Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk. Subyek penelitian 80 mahasiswa Sekolah Pascasarjana fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada. Penelitian dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, menggunakan analisi anova rancangan awal dan akhir satu jalur . Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukan bahwa : 1) Terdapat pengaruh persepsi citra perusahaan, harga, produk terhadap niat membeli, (F 68,324, p 0,000). 2) Terdapat pengaruh persepsi citra perusahaan terhadap niat membeli antara kelompok ekperimen pre tets dan kelompok post test, (t -11,24, p 0,000, p < 0.05 mean pre test ekperimen = 0,000 dan mean post test ekperimen = 1,151). 3) Tidak terdapat pengaruh persepsi citra perusahaan terhadap niat membeli antara kelompok kontrol pre test dan post test (t -0,645, dan p 0,264). 4) Terdapat pengaruh persepsi harga terhadap niat membeli antara kelompok ekperimen pre tets dan kelompok eksperimen post test, (t -10,987, p 0,000, p > 0.05, mean kelompok ekperimen pre test 0,00 dan post test 1,126). 5) Tidak terdapat pengaruh persepsi harga terhadap niat membeli antara kelompok kontrol pre test dan post test (t -0,207, dan p 0,415). 6) Terdapat pengaruh persepsi kualitas produk terhadap niat membeli antara kelompok kontrol pre test dan post test, (t -9,967, p 0,000, p < 0.05, mean kelompok kontrol pre test = 4,1417 dan mean kelompok kontrol post test = 1,169). 7) Tidak terdapat pengaruh persepsi kualitas produk terhadap niat membeli antara kelompok kontrol pre test dan post test l, (t -0,963, dan p 0,330, p > 0.05). Persepsi citra perusahaan, harga, kualitas produk merupakan tiga diantara variabel yang mempengaruhi niat membeli, pada kelompok yang diberi perlakuan menunjukan niat beli yang lebih tinggi. Semakin tinggi persepsi citra perusahaan, harga, kualitas produk, maka semakin tinggi pengaruhnya terhadap niat membeli. (ABSTRACT) This study was aimed to examine effect ofcorporate image perception, price, and product quality to intention buy which is stimulated by shown features about PT Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk. The subjects of the study are 80 postgraduate students of psychology Departement, Gadjah Mada University. Reserch by using quantitative approach, data were analized by using anova one factor repeated measures. This result has show that : first. There is effect of corporate image perception, price, and product quality to intention buy simultaneously, it has been proven (F 68,324, p 0,000). Second. There is effect of corporate image perception to intention buy at group of experiment post test more positive than group of experiment pre test, it has been proven by (-11,24, p 0,000, p <0,05, mean experiment pre test 0,000, and post test 1,151). Third there are not effect of corporate image perception to intention buy at group of control pre test and post test, . it has been proven by (t -0,645, and p 0,264). Fourt There is effect of prices perception to intention buy at group of experiment post test more positive than group of experiment pre test, it has been proven by (t -10,987, p 0,000, p >0,05, mean experiment pre test 0,000 and post tes 1,126). Fifth there are not effect of prices perception to intention buy at group of control pre test and post test, . it has been proven by (t -0,207, and p 0,415). Sixth There is effect of quality product perception to intention buy at group of experiment post test more positive than group of experiment pre test, it has been proven by (t -9,967, p 0,000,p <0,05, mean experiment pre test 0,000, and post test 1,169). Seventh there are not effect of quality produc perceptio n to intention buy at group of control pre test and post test, . it has been proven by (t -0,963,p 0,330, p >0,005) Corporate image perception, prices, and product quality are three main variables which affect to intention buy, at group gave the treatment show the intention buy superordinate, the higher corporate image perception, the bigger intention buy 

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Universitas Gadjah Mada