Abstract :
(ABSTRAKSI) Guna memenuhi kebutuhan infrastruktur bangunan gedung tidak selalu membangun baru merupakan satu-satunya pilihan. Efisiensi dengan mengalihfungsikan bangunan yang sudah ada untuk digunakan dengan fungsi baru dapat menjadi pilihan. Akibat alih fungsi bangunan terjadi perubahan pembebanan bangunan. Dibutuhkan evaluasi kinerja/kekuatan struktur kondisi eksisting untuk menerima beban baru serta menghitung perkuatan yang dibutuhkan.
Penelitian dilakukan pada gedung G Kampus III Universitas Semarang Jl Soekarno-Hatta Semarang. Ruang kuliah lantai II diusulkan untuk dialihfungsikan menjadi ruang perpustakaan. Penelitian difokuskan pada evaluasi kinerja struktur, kekuatan pelat, balok dan kolom serta daya dukung pondasi kondisi existing mengacu pada SNI-2847-2002, penerapan beban gempa berdasarkan SNI-1726- 2002, serta memberikan usulan perkuatan (strengthening) struktur yang diperlukan. SAP 2000 digunakan untuk analisis struktur guna mendapatkan harga kuat perlu U (Ultimate), Beton 2000 digunakan untuk analisis struktur kondisi eksisting guna mendapatkan harga kuat tersedia R (resistance). Perkuatan pelat, balok dilakukan dengan pemberian Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP), dan perkuatan kolom dilakukan dengan penambahan tulangan (external reinforcement).
Hasil pengujian bahan didapat fcâ eksisting 17 MPa dan fy eksisting 390 MPa. Hasil evaluasi kinerja struktur didapatkan kinerja batas layan dan kinerja batas ultimit gedung memenuhi syarat SNI-1726-2002. Hasil analisis struktur pelat lantai 2, pelat A,C,E dan H perlu perkuatan lentur. Balok lantai 2 : 1 A-E ; 1 E-I ; 2 A-E ; 2 E-I ; 3 C-E dan balok ring : A-C ; 0 C-E ; 0 E-G ; 0 G-I ; 3 C-E ; 3 E-I perlu perkuatan lentur dan geser. Kolom lantai 1 : 1E ; 2A ; 2E ; 2I ; 3E ; 3 I dan kolom lantai 2 : 1A ; 1I ; 2A ; 2E ; 2I ; 3E ; 3 I ; 4E ; 4I ; 5E serta kolom lantai 3 : 3 I perlu perkuatan lentur. Perkuatan lentur dan geser dengan penambahan Fiber Reinforced Polymer didapatkan mampu menambah kuat lentur dan kuat geser pelat dan balok. Perkuatan lentur kolom dengan penambahan tulangan, hasil analisis ulang menunjukkan dapat menambah kuat lentur kolom. Hasil analisis pondasi didapatkan pondasi mampu menerima beban baru sehingga tidak perlu perkuatan. (ABSTRACT) To meet the need for good infrastructure of building construction, building new one is not the only appropriate choice. Efficiency resulted from the functional substitution of existing building to be used with a new function can be a more precise alternative. The existing functional substitution will result in the change of the buliding load. Based on the fact, it is necessary to evaluate the performance and the strength of structure at the existing condition to take new load and to calculate the strengthening required.
The study is conducted on Building G of Campus III, Semarang University at Jl.Soekarno-Hatta, Semarang. A lecturing space in floor II was proposed to be functionally substituted into library room. It focuses on evaluating performance of structure, the strength of plate, beam, and column, and the bearing of foundation, existing condition based on SNI-2847-2002, erthquake load application based on SNI-1726-2002, and promoting a proposal for strengthening the structure required. The SAP 2000 is used to analyze the structure to gain the required strength value of U (ultimate). BETON 2000 is used to analyze the structure of existing condition to gain the existing strength value of R (resistance). The strengthening of the plate and beam is conducted by adding the Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP), while that of column is by adding an external reinforcement
The result of the study indicates that the existing fcâ is 17 MPa and the fy is 390 MPa. from evaluation on the performance of structure, it can be known that the performance of servicing limit and that of ultimate limit of the building havereally met the requirement of SNI-1726-2002. Based on the result of analysis on the structure of plates in floor 2, plates of A, C, E, and H need the strengthening of flexure ability. Beam in floor 2 : 1 A-E ; 1 E-I ; 2 A-E ; 2 E-I ; 3 C-E and ring beam : 0 A-C ; 0 C-E ; 0 E-G ; 0 G-I ; 3 C-E ; 3 E-I require the strengthening of flexure ability and shear ability. The strengthening of flexure and shear abilities by adding the Fiber Reinforced Polymer is found to be able to add the flexure and shearing abilities of plates and beam. The result of analysis on the strengthening of flexure ability by adding reinforcement shows that it can add the flexure ability of column. And form analysis on foundation, it can be known that foundation is able to bear new load so it does not require the strengthening.