Respon dan nilai kebisingan oleh penduduk dan pelajar di kawasan bandar udara Sultan Syarif Kasim II
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Universitas Gadjah Mada

Magister Sistem dan Teknik Transportasi 
2019-07-16 00:00:00 
Abstract :
(ABSTRAKSI) Kebisingan ditimbulkan oleh bunyi pesawat terbang yang diakibatkan suatu gerakan pesawat pada saat take off, landing dan approach (melintas). Kebisingan diartikan sebagai pencemaran suara karena merupakan suara yang tidak diinginkan yang berpengaruh terhadap fisiologi dan psikologi manusia. Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup melalui Keputusan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup Nomor : Kep-48/MENLH/11/1996 telah menetapkan baku tingkat kebisingan termasuk untuk lingkungan perumahan dan sekolah yaitu sebesar 55 dB(A). Selain itu, Kawasan tertentu sekitar bandara yang terpengaruh oleh gelombang suara mesin pesawat udara yang disebut Kawasan Kebisingan. Menteri Perhubungan melalui Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan No. 17 tahun 2005, mengatur Batas-Batas Kawasan Kebisingan di sekitar Bandar Udara Sultan Syarif Kasim II Pekanbaru. Penelitian dilakukan di tujuh lokasi yang mewakili Kawasan Kebisingan 1, Kawasan Kebisingan 2, Kawasan Kebisingan 3 dan Luar Kawasan Kebisingan Kawasan Bandara Sultan Syarif Kasim II Pekanbaru. Penelitian dengan metoda survai terhadap tingkat kebisingan, respon penduduk dan pelajar serta tanggapan penduduk melalui metoda stated preference. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kebisingan ekuivalen, indeks WECPNL, respon penduduk dan pelajar serta nilai kebisingan berdasarkan ability to pay (ATP) dan willingness to pay (WTP) yang dianalisa dengan statistik deskriptif dan regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kebisingan ekuivalen di tujuh lokasi penelitian telah melampaui baku tingkat kebisingan untuk kawasan perumahan dan sekolah sebesar 55 dB(A). Indeks WECPNL di Selatan Bandara sesuai pada rentang Kawasan Kebisingan dan indeks WECPNL di Utara Bandara tidak sesuai pada rentang nilai indeks WECPNL Kawasan Kebisingan. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan secara rata-rata nilai ATP di Kawasan Kebisingan 1 sebesar Rp. 8,750 per bulan,, Kawasan Kebisingan 3 sebesar Rp. 50.000 per bulan dan di Luar Kawasan Kebisingan ATP sebesar Rp. 30.000 per bulan sedangkan di Kawasan Kebisingan 2 tidak mampu untuk membayar kondisi lingkungan yang diterima. WTP untuk semua Kawasan Kebisingan dan Luar Kawasan Kebisingan tidak bersedia memberikan imbalan atas kondisi lingkungan yang diharapkan. (ABSTRACT) Noises that aeroplanes produce are due to the aeroplane activities during take off, landing and approaching. Noises are categorized as air pollution because they are unwanted sounds affecting human physiology and psychology. The RI State Minister for Environment through the 1996 Decree of State Minister for Environment No: Kep-48/MENLH/ll/1996 stated the noise level standard including for residential and school area was 55 dB(A). In addition, particular zone surrounding airport affected by the wave of aeroplane machines was defined as Noise-affected Zone. The RI Minister of Transportation through the the 2005 Decree of Minister of Transportation No. 17 regulated the Limits of Noiseaffected Zone surrounding the Pekanbaru Sultan Syarif Kasim II Airport. The present research was carried at seven sites representing the Noiseaffected Zone 1, 2, 3 and Outer Noise-affected Zone of the Pekanbaru Sultan Syarif Kasim II Airport. The research exploited survey method on noise levels, responses of inhabitants and students, and stated preference method on inhabitant reaction. The research aimed to identify equivalent noise level, WECPNL index, responses of inhabitant and students and noise value based on ability to pay (ATP) and willingness to pay (WTP) analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression. Results indicated that the equivalent noise level at seven research sites exceeded the noise level standard for residential and school area of 55 dB(A). WECPNL index at the southern area of airport was appropriate with the Noiseaffected Zone range while WECPNL index at the northern area of airport was not appropriate with the range of WECPNL index value for noise-affected zone. It was also showed that in average the ATP values at the Noise-affected Zone 1, 3 and the outer Noise-affected Zone were IDR 8,750, IDR 50,000, IDR 30,000 per month, respectively, while those of the Noise-affected Zone 2 were not capable to pay the environment condition exposed to. The WTPs for all Noise-affected Zones indicated that they did not want to pay the expected environmental condition. 

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Universitas Gadjah Mada