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Universitas Gadjah Mada

S2 Teknik Elektro 
2019-07-16 00:00:00 
Abstract :
(ABSTRAKSI) Sertifikasi Dosen adalah proses pemberian sertifikat pendidik kepada dosen dalam upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan nasional dan perbaikan kesejahteraan dosen. Penilaian Sertifikasi Dosen yang meliputi penilaian persepsional, penilaian deskripsi diri, konsistensi penilaian dan penilaian gabungan, melibatkan banyak pihak terkait. Saat ini proses penilaian masih dilakukan secara manual , sehingga untuk mendapatkan hasil akhir dibutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama. Dengan adanya kemajuan teknologi, dimungkinkan perubahan metode penilaian tersebut dari manual ke arah komputerisasi tanpa mengubah prosedur penilaian yang berlaku (Ditjen Dikti, Buku Pedoman Sertifikasi Pendidik Untuk Dosen). Dalam penelitian ini akan dibuat sistem penilaian sertifikasi dosen berbasis web, diharapkan sistem ini dapat dikembangkan sebagai sistem penilaian sertifikasi dosen tingkat nasional untuk mempercepat pengambilan keputusan akhir kelulusan peserta sertifikasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, sistem sertifikasi dosen hasil rancangan memiliki prosedur birokrasi yang lebih ringkas. Pada awalnya, untuk proses sertifikasi dosen harus melalui 43 aktivitas. Sistem sertifikasi dosen hasil rancangan berhasil meringkasnya menjadi 28 aktivitas. Sistem hasil rancangan memiliki fasilitas menentukan calon peserta Serdos, mengusulkan peserta Serdos ke Ditjen Dikti, menugaskan PTP-Serdos, mengirim berkas portofolio peserta ke PTP-Serdos, menilai peserta Serdos, mengkalkulasi penilaian, menentukan kelulusan peserta Serdos dan mengirim hasil akhir penilaian sertifikasi ke Ditjen Dikti dan PT-Pengusul. (ABSTRACT) Lecturer certification is the process of granting educator certificate towards lecturer in improving the quality of national education, and improve lecturers' welfare. Lecturer Certification Assessment covering persepsional assessment, self description assessment , the consistency of assessment and joint assessment, involving many parties. Currently, the assessment process is still done manually, so to get the final result takes a long time. With technological advances, changes may in assessment method from manual to computerized without changing the applicable assessment procedure (Directorate General of Higher Education, Educator Certification Handbook for Lecturer). In this study the assessment system of certification web based, it is expected later this system can be developed as a national lecturer certification assessment system to help accelerate decision-making graduation of certification. Based on the results of research, lecturer certification system designed has a more streamlined bureaucratic procedures. At first, the certification process for lecturer need to go through 43 activities. Lecturer certification system designed by successfully distill them into 28 activities. Lecturer certification system designed by facilities to determination of lecturer certification, proposing lecturer certification to directorate general of higher education, appointing lecturer certification college executor, sending portfolio documents of certification participant, evaluating the participant, calculating the evaluation result, determining completing of participant and sending the final result of certification to directorate general of higher education and proposing college. 

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Universitas Gadjah Mada