Abstract :
(ABSTRAKSI) Dalam penelitian ini telah dipelajari penurunan nilai COD limbah cair industri obat herbal dengan metode fotofenton. Limbah cair industri obat herbal yang digunakan berasal dari PT. Air Mancur, Surakarta. Nilai COD limbah cair industri obat herbal ditentukan dengan metode titrimetri. Identifikasi senyawa organik penyumbang nilai COD dalam limbah dilakukan dengan Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) dan spektrofotometri UV-Vis. Proses fotofenton dilakukan dengan sistem batch dalam reaktor tertutup yang dilengkapi lampu UV. Pada proses ini juga dipelajari pengaruh konsentrasi Fe2+ dan H2O2, waktu penyinaran dan pH larutan terhadap efektivitas fotofenton.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai COD limbah cair industri obat herbal adalah sebesar 1960 mg/L dengan selulosa dan lignin sebagai senyawa organik penyumbang nilai COD. Proses fotofenton mampu menurunkan nilai COD hingga 248 mg/L pada kondisi optimum dengan konsentrasi Fe2+ dan H2O2 sebesar 2 mM dan 200 mM, pH 3 dan lama waktu penyinaran UV selama 12 jam. Penurunan nilai COD limbah cair industri obat herbal dapat mencapai nilai 30 mg/L, memenuhi baku mutu (maksimal 120 mg/L), dengan dua kali proses fotofenton pada kondisi optimum. (ABSTRACT) In this research, the decrease of COD level of herb-pharmaceutical industrial wastewater by photofenton method was studied. The herb-pharmaceutical industrial wastewater was taken from PT. Air Mancur, Surakarta. The COD level of herb-pharmaceutical industrial wastewater was determined by titrimetric method. Identification of organic matter as contributor of COD was performed by Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and UV-Vis spectrophotometric. Photofenton process was conducted by batch system in a closed reactor that was completed by UV lamp. In this process, the influence of concentration of Fe2+ and H2O2, irradiation time and solution pH on the photofenton effectiveness were evaluated.
The results showed that COD level of herb-pharmaceutical industrial wastewater was 1960 mg/L with cellulose and lignin as COD level contributor. The photofenton effectiveness test showed that photofenton process could decrease COD level up to 248 mg/L at the optimum conditions i.e Fe2+ and H2O2 concentration were 2 mM and 200 mM respectively, pH 3 and the UV irradiation time of 12 hours. The decrease of COD level of herb-pharmaceutical industrial wastewater can reach 30 mg/L, fulfill the standard quality (maximum 120 mg/L), by twice photofenton processes.