Abstract :
(ABSTRAKSI) Penyembuhan luka merupakan proses biologis kompleks terprogram untuk mempertahankan integrasi dan meregenerasi jaringan, terdiri dari fase inflamasi,
proliferasi dan remodeling. Salah satu tahapan penting dalam fase proliferasi adalah angiogenesis. Angiogenesis atau pembentukan pembuluh darah baru berfungsi dalam suplai nutrisi, oksigen dan sel - sel inflamasi menuju daerah luka. Membran kulit telur ayam mengandung asam hialuronat dan kolagen tipe I yang
mampu meningkatkan proses angiogenesis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi gel ekstrak membran kulit telur ayam 10% terhadap
angiogenesis proses penyembuhan luka gingiva Rattus norvegicus.
Dua puluh tujuh ekor Rattus norvegicus dibagi dalam tiga kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol negatif (CMC-Na 2%), kelompok kontrol positif (Gengigel), dan kelompok perlakuan (gel ekstrak membran kulit telur ayam 10%). Setiap kelompok dilakukan perlukaan dengan punch biopsy berdiameter 2,5 mm pada gingiva labial rahang atas dan diaplikasikan gel pada pagi dan sore hari selama 14 hari. Pada hari ketiga, ketujuh dan keempatbelas tikus didekapitasi dan diambil jaringan lukanya untuk dibuat sediaan preparat histopatologis dengan pengecatan hematoxylin eosin. Pembuluh darah dihitung dalam 6 lapang pandang menggunakan mikroskop cahaya perbesaran 400 kali. Data diuji dengan ANAVA dua jalur dan uji LSD (Post Hoc).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna (p<0,05) jumlah pembuluh darah antar waktu pengamatan dan antar jenis gel. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah aplikasi topikal gel ekstrak membran kulit telur ayam 10% dapat meningkatkan angiogenesis proses penyembuhan luka gingiva Rattus norvegicus. (ABSTRACT) Wound healing is a complex integrated biological process programmed to maintain and regenerate tissue consisting of inflammation, proliferation and remodeling phase. One of important stages in the proliferation phase is angiogenesis. Angiogenesis or the formation of new blood vessels plays an important role in the supply of oxygen, nutrition and inflammation cells into the
injured area. Chicken egg shell membrane which contains hyaluronic acid and collagen type I were able to improve the process of angiogenesis. This study aims
to determine the effect of topical application of gel extracted from 10% chicken egg shell membrane against angiogenesis of wound healing process on Rattus
norvegicus�s gingival.
The subject were 27 male Rattus norvegicus then were divided into three groups, namely, the negative control group (CMC-Na 2%), the positive group (Gengigel), and the treatment group (10% chicken egg shell membrane gel). Each of group was slit by punch biopsy with a diameter of 2,5 mm in the labial gingiva
of the upper jaw and the gel was applied in each group every morning and evening within 14 days of observation. On the third, seventh and fourteenth day
the rats were decapitated and the wound tissue were taken for histopathological preparation with hematoxylin eosin staining. Blood vessels are counted in the 6
field of view using light microscope with 400 times of magnification. The obtained data then tested by two-way ANOVA and LSD (Post Hoc) test.
The result of research showed that there were significant difference (p<0,05) among between day of observation and gel types. The conclusion of this
study was the application of topical 10% chicken egg shell membrane gel can improve angiogenesis of gingival wound healing in Rattus norvegicus.