Abstract :
?Dental caries is one of the dental and oral diseases that mostly occur because the teeth are left
untreated, which will cause disturbance on the growth and development of children. Dental caries is
often occur by most of children with habit of consuming sweet and sticky foods that contain (cariogenic)
such as candy, chocolate, ice cream and biscuits. Some types of carbohydrate including glucose and
sucrose can be fermented by bacteria that can cause a decrease in pH plaque within a certain time that
will cause demineralization of the tooth surface which causes caries. As many as 90% of school-age
children around the world suffer from dental caries. This incident also occurred in Indonesia with an
incidence of 76.2% in children aged 12 years old suffer from dental caries. Based on the World Health
Organization (WHO) recorded 60-90% of children suffer from dental caries. The earliest action is
primary prevention, because this primary prevention is done before the disease occur in a child's teeth.
Among them are dental health education, dental health care, periodic dental examinations, topical
aplication fluor, and fissure sealants