Abstract :
Students’ intrinsic motivation is one of the factors that can influence
students’ learning achievement in Interpretive Reading and Argumentative
Writing Course. The aims of this study is to investigate students’ intrinsic
motivation in Interpretive Reading and Argumentative Writing Course at EED
UMY, students’ learning achievement in Interpretive Reading and Argumentative
Writing Course, and the correlation between students’ intrinsic motivation and
students’ learning achievement in Interpretive Reading and Argumentative
Writing Course at EED UMY.
Data were collected from 102 students of batch 2014. This research was
conducted at English Education Department. The instrument of the study was
questionnaire from Lepper, Iyengar and Corpus (2005) which had been modified.
Document score from the lecturer of Interpretive Reading and Argumentative
Writing Course was used to measure students’ learning achievement. The data
was analyzed using descriptive statistic and descriptive correlation processed in
SPSS 22.0. The Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient was used to see
the correlation between students’ intrinsic motivation and students’ learning
achievement in Interpretive Reading and Argumentative Writing Course.
The result showed that students’ intrinsic motivation in Interpretive
Reading and Argumentative Writing Course at EED UMY was in the middle
category (49.94), meanwhile students’ learning achievement in Interpretive
Reading and Argumentative Writing Course at EED UMY was in good category
(72.99). The findings showed that there was a positive correlation between students’ intrinsic motivation and students’ learning achievement but it was
included in the category of very low correlation. Therefore, the alternative
hypothesis (H1) was supported while the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected.
Keyword. Students’ intrinsic motivation, Students’ learning