Keanekaragaman dan dominasi arthropoda tanah pada cagar alam manggis gadungan dan perkebunan kopi berbasis agroforesti Mangli di Kecamatan Puncu Kabupaten Kediri
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Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Ulum, Moh. Alfian Bahrul
060207 Population Ecology 
2016-06-09 02:39:39 
Abstract :
INDONESIA : Tanah merupakan subtrat atau medium yang berfungsi sebagai habitat arthropoda, khususnya arthropoda tanah bergantung pada keadaaan tanah. Faktor biotik dan abiotik pada tanah akan mempengaruhi keadaan tanah. Perbedaan penggunaan lahan akan mempengaruhi kelimpahan dan komposisi arthropoda tanah. Keanekaragaman arthropoda tanah pada hutan Cagar Alam Manggis Gadungan (CAMG) merupakan ekosistem alami arthropoda tanah, penggunaan lahan perkebunan kopi tumpangsari (PTS) dan perkebunan kopi (PK), dengan perbedaan sistem penggunaan lahan maka dapat diketahui keanekaragaman dan dominasi arthropoda tanah. Penelitian dilakukan di hutan Cagar Alam Manggis Gadungan dan Perkebunan Kopi Mangli Kecamatan Puncu Kabupaten Kediri. Identifiksi hasil penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Ekologi Jurusan Biologi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Metode penelitian menggunakan eksplorasi secara langsung menggunakan hand sortir dan ekstraksi menggunakan barless-tullgren. Hasil penelitian menunjukan arthropoda tanah pada hutan (CAMG) ditemukan 15 ordo yang terdiri dari 40 famili dengan jumlah total individu 636, arthropoda tanah yang berperan sebagai predator (24 famili), herbivor (7 famili), omnivor (1 famili), dekomposer (1 famili), dan detrivor (8 famili). Pada (PTS)yang menggunakan sistem tumpang sari arthropoda tanah yang ditemukan 14 ordo yang terdiri dari 31 famili dengan jumlah total individu 489, arthropoda tanah yang berperan sebagai predator (18 famili), herbivor (5 famili), omnivor (1 famili), parasitoid (1 famili), dan detrivor (5 famili). Pada (PK) arthropoda tanah yang ditemukan 15 ordo yang terdiri dari 38 famili dengan jumlah total individu 609, arthropoda tanah yang berperan sebagai predator (25 famili), herbivor (4 famili), omnivor (1 famili), parasitoid (1 famili), dan detrivor (7 famili). Indeks keanekragaman (H?) Shannon secara komulatif tertinggi pada hutan (CAMG)(2,70), sedangkan pada (PTS) (1,95), dan (PK) (2,10). Nilai dominasi (C) Simpson komulatif tertinggi terdapat pada (PTS) (0,29), sedangkan pada hutan (CAMG) (0,09), dan (PK) (0,25). ENGLISH : Soil is a substrate or medium that serves as habitat for arthropods, particularly soil arthropods rely on state land. Biotic and abiotic factors on the ground will affect soil conditions. Difference land use will affect the abundance and composition of soil arthropods. Diversity of soil arthropods in forest Nature Reserve Manggis Gadungan (CAMG) is an arthropod natural ecosystems soil, land use intercropping coffee plantations (PTS) and coffee plantations (PK), with differences in land use systems it is known arthropod diversity and dominance of the land. The study was conducted in a forest reserve and Bogus Natural Mangosteen Coffee Plantation Mangli Puncu Kediri sub district. Identifiksi results of research carried out at the Laboratory of Ecology Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology of the State Islamic University (UIN) Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Exploratory research method uses directly using a hand sorting and extraction using barless-tullgren. The results showed the soil arthropods in the forest (CAMG) found 15 order which consisted of 40 families with a total of 636 individuals, which acts as a soil arthropod predators (24 family), herbivor (7 family), omnivor (1 family), decomposers (1 family), and detrivor (8 family). In (PTS) intercropping system using soil arthropods found 14 order which consisted of 31 family with a total of 489 individuals, which acts as a soil arthropods predators (18 family), herbivor (5 family), omnivor (1 family), parasitoids (1 family), and detrivor (5 family). In (PK) soil arthropods found 15 order consisting of 38 families with a total of 609 individuals, which acts as a soil arthropod predators (25 family), herbivor (4 family), omnivor (1 family), parasitoids (1 family), and detrivor (7 family). Diversity index (H ') highest cumulative Shannon Forest (CaMg) (2,70), whereas in (PTS) (1.95), and (PK) (2,10). Dominance value (C) is highest cumulativeSimpson on (PTS) (0.29), while in the forest (CaMg) (0.09), and (PK) (0.25). 
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Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang