Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Faddilatusolikah, Faddilatusolikah
2018-02-20 08:40:30
Abstract :
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Arabic is a study of foreign language which can be learned in educational institutions in Indonesia, it is included formal and non-formal institutions. The development of Arabic language is certainly influenced by the role of Indonesian ulama?. KH. Bashori Alwi is one of Indonesian ulama? who tell about Islam by Qur?an and Arabic learning. He has received an award from the Saudi Arabian embassy on his dedication to the development of Qur?an and the Arabic learning in Indonesia, especially in Pesantren Ilmu Al-Quran Singosari. And this study was conducted to determine the views KH. Bashori Alwi towards learning Arabic in the Qur?an in Pesantren Ilmu Al-Quran Singosari.
Then, in this research I investigated four problems, such as; 1) how does the thinking of KH. Bashori Alwi to the goals of the Arabic learning?, 2) how does the thinking of KH. Bashori Alwi to the material of the Arabic learning?, 3) How does the idea KH. Bashori Alwi to the process of learning Arabic ?, 4) How does the idea KH. Bashori Alwi to the evaluation of Arabic learning ?
The research method that used is qualitative descriptive approach, because the researchers want to know everything related to the thought of KH Bashori Alwi and his implementation to Arabic learning, based on from objectives, materials, processes and evaluation used. This study is based on a biography of his short trip and also his efforts in developing the Arabic language. The data collection instruments used by researchers are: observation, interviews, and documentation.
The researchers concluded that the results of this study are the goals of Arabic language learning in Pesantren Ilmu Al-Qur?an Singosari for students is to understand the books of Islam knowledge that written in Arabic 2) Creative learning Arabic is a self-written material by KH. Bashori Alwi 3) the aim of evaluation of learning Arabic in Pesantren Ilmu Al-Qur?an is to train students' self-confidence 4) Evaluation of Arabic language learning in Pesantren Ilmu Al-Qur?an of the Qur?an to know the ability of students and train students to better master the Arabic language.
Bahasa Arab merupakan bahasa asing yang banyak dipelajari di lembaga pendidikan Indonesia. Perkembangan bahasa Arab saat ini tidak dapat dipungkiri tentunya dipengaruhi oleh peran para ulama Indonesia. KH. Bashori Alwi adalah salah satu ulama Indonesia yang mensyiarkan islam melalui pembelajaran Al- Quran dan bahasa Arab. Sehingga beliau pernah mendapat penghargaan dari kedutaan arab Saudi atas dedikasi beliau terhadap perkembangan pembelajaran al-Quran dan bahasa arab di Indonesia khususnya di pesantren ilmu al-Quran singosari. Dan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pandangan KH. Bashori Alwi terhadap pembelajaran bahasa arab di pesantren ilmu al- Quran singosari.
Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas maka peneliti mengambil rumusan masalah sebagai berikut: 1) Bagaimana pemikiran KH. Bashori Alwi terhadap tujuan pembelajaran bahasa Arab?, 2) Bagaimana pemikiran KH. Bashori Alwi terhadap materi pembelajaran bahasa Arab?, 3) Bagaimana pemikiran KH. Bashori Alwi?, 4) Bagaimana pemikiran KH. Bashori Alwi terhadap evaluasi pembelajaran bahasa Arab?
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian studi tokoh dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif, karena disini peneliti ing